Zinc ascorbate 1047 views0 applications

Australian approved name (AAN): Zinc ascorbate

Common names and synonyms: Zinc ascorbate anydrous; Vitamin C; Zinc

Molecular formula: C12H14O12Zn

Molecular weight: 415.62

Conversions (% Ascorbic acid): 84.27  (% Zinc): 15.73

RDI for Vitamin C as per NHMRC:
Infants – 0-6 months – 25mg/day (AI)
Infants – 7-12 months – 30mg/day (AI)
Children – 1-8 years – 35mg/day
Children – 9-18 years – 40mg/day
Adults – >19 years – 45mg/day
Pregnancy – 14-18 years – 55mg/day
Pregnancy – 19-50 years – 60mg/day
Lactation – 14-18 years – 80mg/day
Lactation – 19-50 years – 85mg/day

Maximum daily dose: 50mg of zinc (for internal use)

Mandatory component: Zinc

Warnings and restrictions:  When for internal use and the maximum recommended daily dose is more than 25mg but no more than 50mg of zinc, the medicine requires the following warning statement on the medicine label:
ZINC –  WARNING: May be dangerous if taken in large amounts or for a long period.’ OR ‘WARNING: Contains zinc which may be dangerous if taken in large amounts or for a long period (or words to that effect).

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Active. Excipient. Homeopathic

TGA reference: Therapeutic Goods Administration

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