Sodium ascorbyl phosphate 1907 views0 applications

Australian approved name (AAN): Sodium ascorbyl phosphate

Common names and synonyms: l-Ascorbic acid; 2-(Dihydrogen phosphate); Trisodium salt; Vitamin C

Molecular formula: C6H6Na3O9P

Molecular weight: 322.05

Conversions (% sodium): 6.70

Warnings and restrictions: Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use.

When used in a sunscreen, the concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%.

When used in products other than sunscreens, the concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.5%.

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Excipient

TGA reference: International Cosmetic Ingredient Directory

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