Secondary Notification 1480 views0 applications

Chemicals on AICS can be imported or manufactured in Australia without notifying NICNAS, except chemicals that state ‘Secondary Notification Conditions apply: Yes’ in the AICS search result or have Conditions of Use. These have mandatory requirements and you should contact NICNAS before manufacturing or importing the chemical or products containing the chemical.

All notified and assessed new and existing chemicals are subject to secondary notification obligations when certain circumstances set out in the original assessment report occur, namely:
1. The function or use of the chemical has or is likely to change
2. The amount of the chemical introduced has or is likely to increase
3. In the case of an imported chemical, it has begun to be manufactured
4. The method of manufacture has or is likely to change
5. Additional information is available on the adverse health or environmental effects of the chemical; and/or
6. Other circumstances recommended on the assessment report for the chemical have occurred

The introducer of the assessed chemical must report to the Director within 28 days of becoming aware of any of the above circumstances.

The Director may, by notice in the Chemical Gazette require the secondary notification of a chemical by person/s to whom the notice applies within a period of not less than 28 days. Person/s to whom the notice applies must provide information about the chemical that is to be given by way of secondary notification within a period of not less than 28 days.

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