Ribose 1804 views0 applications

Australian Approved Name (AAN):Ribose

Common name/s and synonyms: d-Ribose

Warnings and Restrictions: Only for use in oral medicines.
When the medicine is for oral ingestion and the total amount of all sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides such as glucose, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, and sucrose) is more than 100mg in the maximum daily dose, then the medicine requires the following warning statement on the medicine label:
SUGARS – Contains [insert name of sugar] if medicine contains one sugar OR Contains sugars (or words to that effect) if medicine contains two or more sugars.

If one of the sugars is lactose then the medicine also requires the following warning statement on the medicine label:
LACT – Contains lactose (or words to that effect).

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Active

TGA reference: British Pharmacopoeia Appendix

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