Pennyroyal oil 416 views0 applications

Australian Approved Name (AAN): Pennyroyal oil

Common names and synonyms: Mentha pulegium herb oil essential

Mandatory components: D-Pulegone/Pulegone

Maximum daily dose: 50mg (when for use other than topical)

Warnings and Restrictions: The concentration of D Pulegone/Pulegone in the medicine must be no more than 4%. Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance.

If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in the medicine must be no more than 1%.

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Excipient

TGA reference: Food Chemicals Codex__issued by the American National Academy of Sciences

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