Hazardous chemical 1994 views0 applications

One that, following worker exposure, can have an adverse effect on health. Examples of hazardous chemicals include poisons, substances that cause burns or skin and eye irritation, and substances that may cause cancer. Many hazardous chemicals are also classed as dangerous goods.

A substance is deemed to be hazardous if it satisfies the criteria for a hazard class in the UN’s Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, 3rd edition (GHS), but does not include a chemical that satisfies the criteria solely for one of the following hazard classes:

a)      flammable gases, category 2

b)      acute toxicity—oral, category 5

c)      acute toxicity—dermal, category 5

d)      acute toxicity—inhalation, category 5

e)      skin corrosion/irritation, category 3

f)       serious eye damage/eye irritation, category 2B

g)      aspiration hazard, category 2

h)      hazardous to the aquatic environment, category acute 1, 2 or 3

i)        hazardous to the aquatic environment, category chronic 1, 2, 3 or 4

j)        hazardous to the ozone layer.

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