Halibut-liver oil 489 views0 applications

Australian Approved Name (AAN): Halibut-liver oil

Common names and synonyms: Hippoglossus genus fresh liver fixed oil

Mandatory components: Vitamin A and Colecalciferol

Maximum daily dose: When for internal use the MRDD must be no more than 3000µg RE of Vitamin A and 25µg of Vitamin D. When for topical use the concentration of Vitamin A in the medicine must be no more than 1%.

Warnings and Restrictions: When preparations for internal use in adults contain more than 33 micrograms of retinol equivalents per dosage unit in divided preparations or per gram of an undivided preparation, the medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label:
VITA2 – WARNING: If you are pregnant – or considering becoming pregnant – do not take Vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist [or words to that effect]. NOTE: Position this warning at the beginning of the directions for use.
VITA4 – WARNING – When taken in excess of 3000 micrograms retinol equivalents – Vitamin A can cause birth defects. NOTE: Position this warning at the beginning of the directions for use.
VITA3 – The recommended daily amount of Vitamin A from all sources is 700 micrograms retinol equivalents for women and 900 micrograms retinol equivalents for men.

When used as an active ingredient and the route of administration is oral or sublingual, the medicine requires the following warning statement on the medicine label:
VIT – Vitamins can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate. or Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Active. Excipient

TGA reference: British Pharmacopoeia

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