Formulated beverage 2146 views0 applications

Definition: Means a non-carbonated, ready-to-drink, flavoured beverage that: (a) is water-based; and 
 (b) contains added vitamins or minerals or both vitamins and minerals; and 
 (c) contains no more than 240 mL/L of fruit from one or more of the following sources: (i) fruit juice; 
 (ii) fruit purée; 
 (iii) concentrated fruit juice; 
 (iv) concentrated fruit purée; 
 (v) comminuted fruit; 
 (vi) orange peel extract; and 
 (d) contains no more than 75 g/L of sugars; and 
 (e) does not contain: (i) carbon dioxide; or 
 (ii) caffeine; and 
 (f) is not mixed with any other beverage.

As per: FSANZ

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