Designated active ingredients 1224 views0 applications

Definition: For a complementary medicine, means an active ingredient, or a kind of active ingredient mentioned in schedule 14. Designated Active Ingredients. 1. Amino acid 2. Charcoal_3. A choline salt_4. An essential oil_5. Plant or herbal material (or a synthetically produced substitute for material of that kind), including plant fibres, enzymes, algae, fungi, cellulose and derivatives of cellulose and chlorophyll 6. A homoeopathic preparation_7. A microorganism, whole or extracted, except a vaccine_8. A mineral including a mineral salt and a naturally occurring mineral_9. A mucopolysaccharides_10. Non-human animal material (or a synthetically produced substitute for material of that kind) including dried material, bone and cartilage, fats and oils and other extracts or concentrates_11. A lipid, including an essential fatty acid or phospholipid_12. A substance produced by or obtained from bees, including royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis_13. A sugar, polysaccharide or carbohydrate 14. A vitamin or provitamin.

As per: TGA

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