Deer velvet antler slice 351 views0 applications

Australian Approved Name (AAN): Deer velvet antler slice

Common name/s and synonyms: New Zealand Deer velvet antler slice

Warnings and Restrictions: Medicines that contain ‘deer velvet antler slice’ as the therapeutically active ingredient are subject to the following conditions:
a) the medicines are for oral use only;
b) the antlers (including the velvet) are sourced only from red deer (Cervus elaphus), elk/wapiti (Cervus canadensis), or a crossbreed of these species;
c) the deer are sourced only from farmed stock bred and raised in New Zealand;
d) the deer are sourced only from herds farmed for food in accordance with the Animal Products Act 1999 (New Zealand) and the regulations made under that Act, as in force or existing from time to time; and
e) the antlers are removed from the deer only according to the Animal Welfare Act 1999 (New Zealand) and the regulations made under that Act, as in force or existing from time to time.

Ingredient specific requirements for raw material – Calcium 0.1 – 17.7% w/w; Total protein as amino acids 39.4-98.5%

Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Active

TGA reference: Compositional Guidelines

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