Australian Approved Name (AAN): Sodium molybdate dihydrate
Common names and synonyms: Disodium molybdate dihydrate
Organic/Inorganic: Inorganic
Molecular formula: MoNa2O4.2H2O
Molecular weight: 241.95
Conversions (% molybdenum): 39.65 (% sodium): 19.00
RDI for Molybdenum as per NHMRC:
Infants – 0-6 months – 2µg/day (0.3μg/kg/day) (AI)
Infants – 7-12 months – 3µg/day (0.3μg/kg/day) (AI)
Children – 1-3 years – 17µg/day
Children – 4-8 years – 22µg/day
Children – 9-13 years – 34µg/day
Children – 14-18 years – 43µg/day
Adults – 45µg/day
Pregnancy & Lactation – 50µg/day
Maximum daily dose: 125 micrograms Molybdenum
Mandatory component: Molybdenum
Warnings and Restrictions: Only for use in oral medicines. The percentage of molybdenum from sodium molybdate dihydrate should be calculated based on the molecular weight of sodium molybdate dihydrate.
Allowable purpose of the ingredient: Active
TGA reference: British Pharmacopoeia